
Sonr is a peer-to-peer identity and asset management system that leverages DID documents, Webauthn, and IPFS — providing users with a secure, user-friendly way to manage their digital identity and assets.

Sonr is a Cosmos powered blockchain which is powered by a TenderMint validation mechanism. The default consensus for TenderMint is DPoS and works with our current ABCI implementation for Transaction Verification.



Sonr Holistic Authentication Feature Set

Sonr Holistic Authentication Feature Set

Native Protocol Assets

On Sonr there are two tokens which operate within protocols and execution.

Used for paying for operations provided on the Sonr network. Used for staking claim in the network for elevated permissions and calling permissioned operations
$R(A)=1_{SNR}$ $1_{SNR} = 1,000,000_{uSNR}$

Coin age is irrelevant. All coins that are mature will add the same staking weight — resulting in stable, consistent interest only for active wallets and only with small inputs.

Stakeholder Roles & Responsibilities