Tokens and Securities

A timeline on the criteria used to qualify tokens as securities

Timeline of the different stages and criteria

When it comes to US legislation regulatory frameworks for tokens, there are three stages for token legal qualification that came into place. We will talk about each stage and the criteria that came into place and additionally give summaries of the specific cases that were investigated.

2017 - Stage 1

Criteria 1: The Howey Test

The first stage was in 2017 when the HOWEY test was first applied to tokens. The HOWEY test is a simple three-criteria test:The three prongs are:

This ruling set an important precedent for how token projects would be evaluated under U.S. securities law, and it has since been used as a guide for subsequent investigations and regulatory actions.

Case Summary: The DAO

2018 - Stage 2

Criteria 2: Distribution and marketing of the tokens

In 2018, regulators added a new criterion to determine whether tokens qualify as securities. It focuses on the way tokens are distributed and marketed, in addition to the three criteria outlined in the Howey Test.


The way tokens are distributed refers to the process by which they are offered and sold to investors could be a violation of securities laws. Examples are: