🚧 Under Construction

Sonr is building a blockchain ecosystem where users have full control over their digital identity, and developers are empowered to build peer-to-peer decentralized applications. The Sonr network is collectively made up of motor nodes, which act as clients and represent end-users, and highway nodes, the Sonr network’s servers for data transmission.

This peer-to-peer network and identity-enabled blockchain combine to makeup the user-owned internet experience that is Sonr.

How Sonr solves the digital ownership problem

With the described solution, Sonr introduces a new digital ownership paradigm where users can securely control access to their personal data, through their .snr/ domain. To enable this, each .snr/ domain is resolved as a decentralized identity on the Sonr blockchain. Let’s say Prad secures the prad.snr/ subdomain. If he wants to access Netflicks, a blockchain-based movie recommendation platform built on the Sonr blockchain, he can access his data at prad.snr/Netflicks and also grant other users and applications access to his data. With Sonr we put power and control over personal data into the hands of users.