Passkeys and WebAuthn are emerging technologies that aim to eliminate user onboarding friction in the digital world. Traditional methods of user onboarding, such as username and password combinations, often lead to user frustration and security risks.

Passkeys, also known as passwordless authentication, provide a seamless and user-friendly way to authenticate users. Instead of relying on passwords, passkeys utilize cryptographic keys stored on a user's device or in a secure hardware token. This eliminates the need for users to remember complex passwords and reduces the risk of password-related security breaches.

WebAuthn, short for Web Authentication, is a web standard that enables passwordless authentication across different platforms and devices. It allows users to authenticate using various methods, such as biometrics (e.g., fingerprint or face recognition) or external security keys (e.g., USB or NFC tokens). With WebAuthn, users can easily and securely access their accounts without the hassle of traditional username and password inputs.

By leveraging Passkeys and WebAuthn, organizations can provide a frictionless onboarding experience for their users. Users no longer need to create and remember passwords, which simplifies the account setup process and reduces the likelihood of forgotten passwords. Additionally, Passkeys and WebAuthn enhance security by eliminating the risks associated with weak passwords and password reuse.

In conclusion, Passkeys and WebAuthn offer a promising solution to eliminate user onboarding friction. These technologies prioritize user convenience while enhancing security, making them a valuable addition to modern authentication systems.