Market research reveals that authentication providers overcharge for services, individuals have no control over their online presence, and current Web3 wallet infrastructure limits global scale. Insights include the benefits of tokenizing authentication, passkeys and WebAuthn for user onboarding, the potential of DIDs for universal identification, the safety of IBC for a multi-chain future, and the use of multi-party computation and zero-knowledge proofs for enhanced security.

The Problem

Despite Society increasingly moving online, Individuals have No Control

Current Web3 Wallet Infra Limits Global Scale

Authentication Providers Overcharge for Services

Our Insights

Tokenizing Authentication makes it cheaper, safer, and faster

Using Multi-Party Computation and Zero-Knowledge Proofs bolsters security

Passkeys & WebAuthn Eliminate User Onboarding Friction

IBC is the safest protocol to enable a Multi-Chain future

DIDs make a Universal System of Identification possible

Competitive Landscape

Web3Auth/ Competitor Analysis

WorldCoin Competitor Analysis

TBDex Competitor Analysis (Web5)