Sonr provides digital freedom, true-ownership, and cutting edge security, all on a robust user controlled network. Our team, ****in collaboration with Prysm Group has designed a Cryptocurrency to incorporate into its decentralized network. This document serves as our analysis on their recommended strategy for the design.

Use Cases

The price of a token is the exchange rate of the token for fiat. The value of the token can be modeled in terms of fundamental demand drivers and effective supply. The demand of the token is driven by the property rights granted by the token, and the effective supply is driven by the number of tokens to which a specific set of rights are granted.

$$ \text{Token Price \textbf{(SNR)}} = \text{\underline{Fundamental Value}} + \text{\textbf{Token Specific} Non-Fundamentals} + \text{\textbf{Market/Industry} Non-Fundamentals} $$

Token-Specific Non-Fundamentals are every external price shocks which only effect the Sonr Token. They are the result of either marketing or pure luck, for example:

Market/Industry Non-Fundamentals are driven by the total blockchain industry at large. These shifts in sentiment create price shocks which impact every network. Some recent examples include:

Implemented by Sonr

Under consideration by Sonr

Means of Payment

On Sonr’s blockchain all transactional operations are for either managing a user’s account or a application configuration. This is to maintain a distributed ledger of users and the apps they can interact with to ensure an open decentralized standard for the user owned internet.

Demand: Obtain goods and services on or off-chain in exchange for transfer of the token Supply: ****Tokens available to use for the purchase of goods and services.

Highway Modules